Add A Creative Release

Every year,
I write a 50 page short story.

I set it in
one of my existing worlds
and I give this short story
to readers (customers)
for free.

But this story
is written purely for me.

It is a creative release,
a way for me
to break free of expectations
and write whatever the f*ck
I want to write.

Some years,
I LIVE for this story.

The rest of the time,
I’m writing the stories
I should write.

This is the story
I truly want to write.

Business builders
are creators
and we NEED the ability
to create
every so often
purely for ourselves.

If you can,
figure out a way
to benefit
from these outbursts
of random creativity.

But definitely
work these creative projects
into your schedule.

We need that freedom.

Fast Tasks

When I have a couple spare minutes,
I schedule a promotional post
for a book (product)
I shred some documents
I take some photos
of interesting textures
for backgrounds

I have a list of
that need to be done
yet don’t take much time.

And I used them
as filler
in my schedule.

A call got cancelled?
I do one of these tasks.

I finish a chapter early?
I do one of these tasks.

I have to wait for something
or someone?
I do one of these tasks.

I don’t waste these short durations
of time.
And the little tasks
all add up.

Keep a list
of fast tasks.

Complete tasks on that list
when you have a snippet
of extra time.

Inventory Your Stuff

Shoes go bad.
As do a lot of things
you wouldn’t suspect.

Shoes get brittle.
The soles curl.
They go out of style.

I inventoried my shoes
and I donated any shoes
I didn’t think
I’d wear ever again.

A few of those shoes
had ‘gone bad.’
But many others I donated
while they were in mint condition.

Someone else
will benefit from
the shoes
I am no longer wearing.

There are business supplies
or devices
or other things
in your inventories
that are likely
on the verge of
‘going bad.’

Donate them
or use them
before they lose all value.

If They Don’t Ask Me Directly…

A writer posted a question
about my specific niche.

I thought about answering it
but then I realized
if they had explored the niche
at all,
they know I write in it.

It would have been
super easy
for them
to ask me that question.

They didn’t.
Which likely meant
they didn’t want my input.

So I saved myself
some time and frustration
and went back to work
on my projects.

If you’re not asked
a question
think hard
about whether or not
you want to expend energy
answering that question.
Especially on social media.

Your time is precious.
Protect it.

Being Underestimated

A family member
on my significant other’s side
has been pitching
business ideas
to my significant other
for the past couple decades.

My significant other
listens to the family member talk
but he isn’t overly interested
in business.
He leaves most of that
to me.

I’ve tried to ask
this family member
about his business ideas.

The family member
either ignores me completely
or he patronizes me.
He tells me
I won’t understand
his business ideas.

I don’t argue
with him.

His attitude alone
tells me
we wouldn’t ever be interested
in partnering with him.

And now
I don’t have to listen
to his pitches.

He tries to sell his ideas
to my significant other,
someone who won’t ever
invest with him.
And he leaves me alone.

Being underestimated
can be a good thing.

It reveals
terrible judgment
and you can, in the future, avoid
dealing with those people.

Prepare Work For Business Partners Now

The holidays are fast approaching.

it is only September,
you say.

Work backward.

I want to release
a Romance Novel
in February,
as an example.

I need to load it
to booksellers
a month before that.
That takes me
to January.

My editor usually requires
a month to edit a story
(with 3 rounds of edits).
That takes me
to December.

But editors like
to take holidays also.

I can’t expect
independent contractors
or business partners
to work over holidays
like I often do.

Edits will likely take
an extra month.
That takes me to November.

I require around 2 months
to write a story.
I’m at September.

I have to start
writing the story
(preparing work)
for my editor
(for my business partner)

And you likely
need to prepare work
for your business partners/contractors
now also.

Deciding On Your Legacy

We decide our legacies.

We influence
how people remember us
when we’re here
on this Earth
and after we’re gone.

If you want to be
remembered fondly,
with joy,
with caring,
do the things
that leave that legacy.

Build more
than you destroy.
(And yes,
this includes building businesses.)

Love more
than you hate.

Give more
than you take.

Support more
than you punish.

Help more
than you hinder.

It is basic math.
Positive contributions > Negative contributions
= Being Missed After We’re Gone.

It is truly
THAT easy to leave
a wonderful legacy.

Waiting For Someone To Save Us

We read these stories
all the time.
People ignore
evacuation notices
then they expect
other people
to put their lives in danger
to rescue them.

And in the past,
they HAVE done that.

But in the past,
there wasn’t a labor shortage.

There wasn’t an ongoing pandemic
causing every organization
to be constantly

There wasn’t a voting population
who were now okay
with a certain percentage
of people dying.

Times are changing.

We can’t assume,
in the future,
someone else will save us
or our families
or our businesses.

Act accordingly.

The Joke That Isn’t A Joke

A buddy entered into negotiations
with a venture capitalist.

The venture capitalist
during those negotiations,
“What do you think
I’m going to do
– push you out of your own company?”

He then laughed
and said that was a joke.

Years later,
the venture capitalist
pushed my buddy
out of his own company.

Most people monitor
what they say.

So when people say
bad things out loud,
know that is usually
what they’re truly thinking
that’s how
their mind works.

if they claim
it was a ‘joke.’

When people say
bad things out loud,
believe they’re capable
of those bad things
and proceed with caution.

Schedule Rest Times

I had a book (product)
due to my editor
September 1st.

I pushed to complete it,
working long hours
with little time off.

This week,
I’m exhausted
and I’m doing very little.

And that’s okay.
I scheduled rest time
into my calendar.
I’ll be dedicating myself
to the recovery.

Rest is important.
Schedule it.

Building a business
is a marathon,
not a sprint.
Pace yourself.