Focus On One

The holiday season
can be hectic.
It can overwhelm
many business builders.

When I’m overwhelmed,
I focus
on one thing.

I focus on one task,
one customer,
one project.

When that one thing is tackled,
I celebrate that win.

I then tackle
the next task,
the next customer,
the next project.

Until I feel capable
of tackling multiple issues
at once.

Getting sh*t done,
even if it is one small thing,
calms me.
That win
rebuilds my confidence.

Which allows me to
tackle other sh*t.

Focus on one.

Have An End Date To Working Hard

When I graduated,
I warned my Mom and siblings
and friends
I planned to work
REALLY hard for about 20 years.

Then I planned
to semi-retire
(i.e. for business builders,
this usually means
building businesses
that might not pay back…ever).

Whenever they worried
I was burning myself out
(I did burn out…a bit),
I would remind them,
“I have X years left.”
And they would relax,
knowing I had an end date.

When I hit 20 years of working,
I had also hit my financial goals
and I stopped working
(that hard)
for a bit.

Right now, during the holiday rush,
you’re likely working
REALLY hard.
Your loved ones might be worried
about you.
They are likely missing your company.

Give them an end date.
Tell them on January 5th,
for example,
your work schedule will slow down.
Do that countdown with them.

Then SLOW DOWN on that date.
Deliver on your promise.

We can tolerate many challenges
in the short run.

Give your loved ones a date
when they can expect to spend time
with you again.

Schedule Rest Times

I had a book (product)
due to my editor
September 1st.

I pushed to complete it,
working long hours
with little time off.

This week,
I’m exhausted
and I’m doing very little.

And that’s okay.
I scheduled rest time
into my calendar.
I’ll be dedicating myself
to the recovery.

Rest is important.
Schedule it.

Building a business
is a marathon,
not a sprint.
Pace yourself.