Schedule Rest Times

I had a book (product)
due to my editor
September 1st.

I pushed to complete it,
working long hours
with little time off.

This week,
I’m exhausted
and I’m doing very little.

And that’s okay.
I scheduled rest time
into my calendar.
I’ll be dedicating myself
to the recovery.

Rest is important.
Schedule it.

Building a business
is a marathon,
not a sprint.
Pace yourself.

Extreme Weather Days

When crafting my schedule
for the upcoming year,
planning my book releases
(project rollouts),
I’m accounting for
extreme weather days.

They’re becoming
increasingly common.

The rain is too heavy
to safely drive.

Blackouts happen
during heat waves.

It is too hot
to ask customers or employees
to go outside.

In my area,
I am currently planning
for 1 extreme weather
working day
a month.

If those extreme weather days
don’t happen,
I will have free days
to push ahead of schedule.

Plan for extreme weather days.
Then hope you don’t need them.