If They Don’t Ask Me Directly…

A writer posted a question
about my specific niche.

I thought about answering it
but then I realized
if they had explored the niche
at all,
they know I write in it.

It would have been
super easy
for them
to ask me that question.

They didn’t.
Which likely meant
they didn’t want my input.

So I saved myself
some time and frustration
and went back to work
on my projects.

If you’re not asked
a question
think hard
about whether or not
you want to expend energy
answering that question.
Especially on social media.

Your time is precious.
Protect it.

Keep A Done List

It is easy
to become distracted,
to be swept into mini ’emergencies’
and not complete the more important tasks.

To-do lists keep me on track.

But done lists
are almost as important
to my success.

These are lists
of all the big tasks
I’ve completed
over a year or a month or a week.

Adding tasks to the done list
keeps me motivated.
It pushes me to accomplish more.

And reviewing done lists
gives me a sense of accomplishment.

When I wonder
if my sacrifices are worth it,
if I’m progressing,
I look at a done list
and I remember all I’ve accomplished.

Consider keeping
a done list.