Inventory Your Stuff

Shoes go bad.
As do a lot of things
you wouldn’t suspect.

Shoes get brittle.
The soles curl.
They go out of style.

I inventoried my shoes
and I donated any shoes
I didn’t think
I’d wear ever again.

A few of those shoes
had ‘gone bad.’
But many others I donated
while they were in mint condition.

Someone else
will benefit from
the shoes
I am no longer wearing.

There are business supplies
or devices
or other things
in your inventories
that are likely
on the verge of
‘going bad.’

Donate them
or use them
before they lose all value.

Family And Business

If I can avoid it,
I don’t go into business
with family members
(other than my spouse).

Most businesses fail.
That’s a brutal reality
for entrepreneurs.

There are ALWAYS
hard feelings
amongst founders,
amongst employees,
amongst other business partners
when businesses fail.

When family is involved,
some of those hard feelings
are directed to or come from
family members.

That destroys relationships.
Often permanently.

Plus family members
are usually not the best qualified candidates
for the roles they hold.

If you can avoid it,
don’t involve family members
in your business.

That rarely works out well.