The Trend Is Our Friend

The trend might not always
be positive
but knowing that trend
IS our friend.

I see the downward trajectory
of my romance novel sales.
That is negative.
But knowing that trend
means I can prepare for the future.
It means I can wrap up
that business well.

As another example,
I see the downward trajectory
of rain and snow
in my area
and across the world.
That’s negative
for all of us.
But knowing that trend
means I can prepare for the future.
It means I can install solar power
to deal with
the decrease in
hydro-sourced electricity.

Knowing trends
will always benefit you.
if that trend is negative.

The Argument For No Change

Whether we’re starting a new business
or slowing climate change
or updating a book cover,
there will be someone
opposing us,
wanting no change at all.

Seth Godin
“Once we agree that
we have a problem,
the status quo will show up.
It will argue
with every tool
it has that
any variation from the current path
too risky,
too expensive
and too painful
to consider.
The status quo will stall.
It will argue for studies
and will amplify the pain
that will be caused to some
as we try to make things better
for everyone.

And the status quo usually wins.
That’s because
the makers of change
are now playing defense,
forced to justify every choice
and ameliorate every inconvenience.”

Know that someone
will fight for no change.

Prepare for the tactics
they will use
to stop us.

Realize they will NEVER
be supportive of that change.

And push forward.

Be Open To Changing Your Mind

When I first heard about
I thought it would be nothing
I had to worry about.
I believed it would be stopped
before it expanded.
I thought it wouldn’t reach
my corner of the planet.

I was wrong.

I tracked the spread
and realized d@mn quickly
it would be a danger
to the people I love.

I changed my position,
ordered the best masks
I could obtain,
donned makeshift masks
while I waited for the order
to arrive,
long before mask-wearing was enforced.

Being open
to changing my mind
helped keep myself
and my loved ones safe.

Right now,
you and I are likely clinging
to stances
that will be proven
to be wrong.

Being open to changing
those stances
could help save
our growing businesses,
our relationships,
and perhaps
even our lives.

Have the strength
and the intelligence
to change your mind.

An Opportunity To Start New

Every year,
on January 1st,
we are given a reminder
– it is possible to start
something new.

We are starting a new year.
We can go one step further
and start a new business,
a new habit,
a new relationship,
a new outlook on life.

We might have been solely employees,
for example,
in 2021
but this is 2022.
In 2022, we are different people.
We’re business builders.

In 2022, we work on our dreams,
we strive to achieve
the goals we have always wanted
to accomplish.
We take action.
We make a bigger difference
in the world.

This is a new year.
Do something new during it.

Embrace The Fear

I’m scared
whenever I release
a new book.

I’m scared
whenever I present
a new product
to a company’s board.

I’m scared whenever
I try something new.

And that’s okay.
That’s better than okay.
That is a sign
I care.

I care enough
to be nervous
about the results.

It also likely means
I’m doing something new,
expanding my experience
and my skill set.

Seth Godin

“Once we decide
to make a difference,
it’s easy for doubt to set in.
Because making a difference
causes change,
and change is scary.”

When trying something new,
doing something different,
embrace the fear.