We Can’t Afford To Be Ill

I can’t afford to be ill.

I live in Canada.
My stance doesn’t have
anything to do
with the financial costs
of medical care.

It has to do with time.
I don’t have the spare time
to be ill.
I don’t WANT to spend
time being ill.

I have books to write
(products to produce),
businesses to run,
other things I’d prefer
to do.

So I take precautions.
I wear a mask.
I wash my hands.
I improve ventilation
in spaces I occupy
(I have a personal air purifier
I hang on an lanyard
and wear around my neck.)

All of this
takes mere seconds.

I can then focus on other things.

And I save countless days
not being ill.

You and I can’t afford to be ill.

Preventing illness
has a huge return on investment.

Make that investment.

Masks And Hand Sanitizer Are Here To Stay

With Monkeypox ramping up
and COVID not at all ramping down,
it is essential
that businesses,
including the small businesses
you and I are building,
to keep customers
and employees safe.

The easiest way
to do that
is to have hand sanitizer
and masks always available
at the front door.

Keep those containers
filled up.

Factor those expenses
into your financials.

Assume you will supply
masks and hand sanitizer

Because you likely WILL
do that.

These are the bare minimum
for businesses
going forward.

And they convey
that you care.

We Aren’t ‘No One’

Yesterday, I posted
about the precautions
we can take
to tackle the seemingly never ending
barrage of viruses.

I was told
‘No one worries
about the pandemic anymore.’

We should ALWAYS worry
about placing employees
and customers in danger.

We should worry because
that is a caring, human thing
to do.

But we should also worry,
as business owners,
because we could get
our a$$es sued off
if people come to harm
in our businesses.

The lawsuits
involving COVID
might not be happening very often now
but I suspect
they WILL happen in the future.

We aren’t ‘no one’s.
And we aren’t ‘the average person’.

We’re business owners.

Don’t be careless
with other people’s lives.

We’re Ready

There seems to be reports
of impending new pandemics
– New Variants of COVID,
Monkeypox, TB, Ebola,

It can be frightening,
especially for business builders
who want to keep
our customers and employees safe.

The good news,
is we’re ready for this.

Most of the precautions
we have installed
– wearing masks, hand washing/disinfecting,
social distancing
– prevent or slow
the spread of these new threats.

Keep disinfectant bottles filled.
Have masks available.
Encourage our employees/partners
to wear them.

And we should
survive all this.