Following Up Is Necessary

A loved one
was told he would receive
a refund on a purchase.

The refund never came.
It took him three additional contacts
to receive the refund.

This is happening
for a lot of people
with a lot of companies
in a lot of instances.

It happens with orders.
It happens with refunds.
It happens with project management.

It could be a result of COVID.
It could be a result of
corporate policies.
It could be a result
of people simply not caring anymore.

Whatever is causing this,
it is happening.

Following up
is absolutely necessary now
if you want anything done.

Factor that into your timelines.

Don’t Schedule Work 7 Days A Week

We’re business builders.
We have a lot to do
and tend to work
7 days a week
attempting to get it done.
I understand that.
I live that life.

But I also understand
that unexpected things come up
during the week,
things we have to put
other tasks aside for
and tackle.

If we create a schedule
that has us working
7 days a week,
we won’t ever have time
to complete those set aside tasks.

We’ll fall further and further behind
and we’ll end up
missing critical deadlines.

That is why
I don’t schedule anything
on the weekends.
The weekends are spent
catching up on tasks.
They are used
to put me back on track.

If a miracle happens
and I AM on track,
I take time off
to recharge
and power up
for the upcoming week.

Don’t schedule work
7 days a week.
Give yourself time
to catch up on tasks.

We Can’t Afford To Be Ill

I can’t afford to be ill.

I live in Canada.
My stance doesn’t have
anything to do
with the financial costs
of medical care.

It has to do with time.
I don’t have the spare time
to be ill.
I don’t WANT to spend
time being ill.

I have books to write
(products to produce),
businesses to run,
other things I’d prefer
to do.

So I take precautions.
I wear a mask.
I wash my hands.
I improve ventilation
in spaces I occupy
(I have a personal air purifier
I hang on an lanyard
and wear around my neck.)

All of this
takes mere seconds.

I can then focus on other things.

And I save countless days
not being ill.

You and I can’t afford to be ill.

Preventing illness
has a huge return on investment.

Make that investment.

Finish A Project Today

Most projects
are never finished.

This is as true
for me,
a project manager,
as it is
for anyone else.

I have unhung paintings,
unsent special requests,
laundry that hasn’t been put away,
emails sitting in the draft folder.

Some of these projects
are no longer valid.
Those can be discarded.

Some of these projects,
are still important
and might only have
one small step left
to take
on them.

Take that step.
Finish that project.

Then harness
that boost of positive energy,
that feeling of accomplishment
from completing a project
to move forward
on other projects.