If They’re Not Interested In A Sample

Every year,
I give away a free short story
to newsletter subscribers.
This is exclusive
to them.

I wait for a couple months
and then I archive
any subscriber
who didn’t open
the past 6 newsletters
click on any of the links.

If they’re not interested
to click on a free story,
they likely aren’t interested
to buy any of my stories.

I pay per subscriber.
It saves money
if I move them
off my list.

The people
who refuse your sample
aren’t your customers.

Focus on the other people.

Ask Before Copying Someone

I give readers a free short story
every December.
It is a gift.
It is PURELY a gift.

It costs me money
to edit and for a cover
and I don’t expect
to recover those funds.

Most of the readers
who love the short story
are already buying
every other story I write.

Every year,
some new-to-the-niche writers
copy me.
They give away
their free short stories,
thinking it is some magical
book selling tactic.

They soon find out
it doesn’t increase
their sales.

I would have told them
exactly that
if they had asked me.
Often, I volunteer
that information
on social media.

Ask the originator
before copying them.
Take a couple minutes
and gather that information.