Have Treats For In Store Halloween Shoppers

Yes, there is a push back
in some religious neighborhoods
against Halloween.

So think about
whether or not
you wish to promote Halloween

But consider having
a basket of treats
stored under the counters
for Halloween celebrating shoppers.

If a shopper in costume
or buying Halloween items
your cashiers,
instruct them
to give that shopper
some of those treats.

It will delight
both your employees
and your customers.

Delighted customers
become loyal customers.

Ask Before Copying Someone

I give readers a free short story
every December.
It is a gift.
It is PURELY a gift.

It costs me money
to edit and for a cover
and I don’t expect
to recover those funds.

Most of the readers
who love the short story
are already buying
every other story I write.

Every year,
some new-to-the-niche writers
copy me.
They give away
their free short stories,
thinking it is some magical
book selling tactic.

They soon find out
it doesn’t increase
their sales.

I would have told them
exactly that
if they had asked me.
Often, I volunteer
that information
on social media.

Ask the originator
before copying them.
Take a couple minutes
and gather that information.