If You’re The Exception

When many of us think
of a politician,
we think of a liar,
someone who makes promises
he’ll never keep.

A local politician
appears honest to a fault.
He tries hard
to keep his promises.
If it is at all possible,
he does what he says
he will do.

I say ‘appears’
because, after decades of knowing him,
I still don’t trust
he’s honest.

Simply because
he’s a politician.

Seth Godin

“When you hear a boss say
‘people before profits’,
you’re likely to hold back
before baring your soul
and sharing your fears.

“Trust me” is easy to say,
especially when you mean it,
but hard to hear.

Showing tends to beat telling,
and it takes a very long time
to earn trust
when you’re running
counter to culture.”

If you’re the exception,
it will take a long time,
if not forever,
to convince people you’re that exception.

Don’t build your success
around ever convincing others.