Don’t Pay For Twitter Verification

A year ago,
Twitter Verification,
the blue checkmark
on profiles,
told the world
your business was legit.
It was important.

People battled
to get that blue checkmark.

Now, post EM,
the blue checkmark
tells the world
your account
is a scam account.

Blue checkmarks
are purchased
for a monthly fee.

No one important
will pay
for social media.
They feel
the social media platforms
should pay THEM
but they were willing
to use it for free.

Don’t pay
for a blue checkmark.
Not at this point
in time.

The Comfort Of Constant

A reader left a review
on one of my books.

She said
she always knows
what she’ll get
with one of my books
and, in this crazy world,
that is a great comfort
to her.

The media loves the new.
They love different.

And, as business builders
seeking to snag
some of that media coverage,
we often give them
the new, the different.

But the vast majority
of our prospects
and our customers
are tired of constant change.

They want the familiar.
They don’t want surprises.

They want the comfort
of our products and services
being the same.

Don’t feel the need
to change EVERYTHING.
Many customers want
a reliable experience.

The US Is Not The World

A writing buddy
launched a marketing campaign
around US football.

Her marketing
was seen by everyone,
not merely Americans.

Which caused confusion
and resulted in bad feelings.

Because US football
is very different
from UK football
(Americans call that sport soccer)
even Canadian football.

And when she explained
she was referring
to US football,
many international readers
felt neglected.

Judging by the responses,
she lost more readers
than she gained
in the US.

Media coverage
might make you believe
the United States
is the most important
target market
on the planet.

It isn’t.

There are only
a little over 332 million people
in the US.
There are over
8 billion people
in the world.

The world is bigger
than the US.

Remember that
when you design websites
and develop products
and create marketing

Your Content Is Immortal

One of my favorite YouTube channels
features a 94 year old woman
who lived through the depression
sharing depression recipes
and stories.

The footage was recorded
14 or more years ago.
The woman has long passed.

Her videos remain.
They are immortal
and so is she,
in a virtual version.

Remember that
when you release content.

Your content could live

It could be the way
others know of you
long after you’re gone.

Ensure they view you
the way YOU
want to be viewed.

Don’t Use Cursive

The title on a book cover
I saw this morning
used cursive font
for part of the text.

It looked pretty
but I have no f*ckin’ idea
what it said.

And when I was a broke a$$ kid,
we didn’t have
laptops or personal phones.
We used cursive
for almost ALL text communications.

Younger generations
definitely won’t know
what the title
of that book was.

All they’ll know is…
that book isn’t meant
for them.

And that is
what many of your prospects
will think
when they see cursive
on YOUR marketing material
– that product/service
is not for them.

Don’t use cursive.

Making A Fool Of Customers

Today is April Fools’ Day,
a time to play pranks
and trick people.

That usually doesn’t
end up well
for businesses.

Because customers
don’t like to
look like fools.
They don’t like
to be tricked.
They don’t want
to be the victim
of a stunt
or joke.

They might force
a smile
a laugh
but they don’t like it
and they remember
the feeling.

Tread carefully

Use Subtitles

I watch YouTube
and other video-heavy platforms
with the subtitles turned on.

And I’m not alone.
50% of Americans
watch content with subtitles
most of the time.

This number skews higher
with younger generations.

A whopping 70% of Gen Z
use subtitles.

I’m a reader
so text is my preferred mode
of communication.

But I also use subtitles
for a number of other reasons.

Some experts
aren’t great speakers.
Many subtitle programs
now take out all the pauses
and verbal tics.

Some experts
don’t speak English.
And I suck
great big hairy donkey balls
at understanding
other languages.
Having the content translated to English
via subtitles
is wonderful.

Subtitles help
with taking notes.

Subtitles also are a solution
to audio issues.

There are many other reasons
to use subtitles
but the most important thing
to realize is…
people are using them.

as small business builders
and marketers,
should use them also.

Ensure your video marketing
has subtitles.

Create An Oasis

The latest trend
in cruise destinations
is a resort-like experience
at the cruise terminal.

There are swimming pools
tourist-targeted bars,
restaurants and shops,
and attractions
that give tourists
a sanitized, well-maintained,
taste of the destination.

It is the Disneyland approach,
an oasis in the middle
of an often troubled reality.

Many people want this experience.
They don’t want to be reminded
that COVID is still killing people,
for example,
that the pandemic and climate change
and poverty exists.

Consider creating a similar oasis
of calm,
of beauty,
of safety
in your physical store,
and on your website.

Be an escape.

State The Obvious Truths

A new IPCC report
on climate change
released this week.

It was…hopeful.
The report said
we still have a shot
at sticking to 1.5C.

In other words,
it was complete

Anyone who is paying attention
to the state of the world
knows the situation is
very, VERY bad.

We see the natural disasters
all around us.
We note the crop failures
almost everywhere.

Not stating that
obvious truth
causes us
to distrust
everything in the report.

We also distrust the leaders
who are avoiding telling us
this truth.
We view them as
deliberately deceitful.

If there is an obvious truth,
state it.

We all know this truth
and stating it
will increase our trust.

Everything Is Relative And The Baseline Is Changing

Two years ago,
I was viewed
as being middle of the road cautious
about COVID.
I masked everywhere
but I still traveled
and went outside the house.

Today, I’m viewed
as being EXTREMELY cautious
about COVID.

My behavior hasn’t changed.
The ferocity of COVID hasn’t lessened.
It might have worsened.

But society has changed.
Wearing a mask is radical now.

Your business might not
have changed
but its positioning
in the marketplace has likely shifted.
You have new competitors.
Society has changed.
Expectations have changed.

Your marketing and sales approach
should shift with your new positioning.