State The Obvious Truths

A new IPCC report
on climate change
released this week.

It was…hopeful.
The report said
we still have a shot
at sticking to 1.5C.

In other words,
it was complete

Anyone who is paying attention
to the state of the world
knows the situation is
very, VERY bad.

We see the natural disasters
all around us.
We note the crop failures
almost everywhere.

Not stating that
obvious truth
causes us
to distrust
everything in the report.

We also distrust the leaders
who are avoiding telling us
this truth.
We view them as
deliberately deceitful.

If there is an obvious truth,
state it.

We all know this truth
and stating it
will increase our trust.

What Is In It For Them?

This week,
it was revealed
that most of the politicians
pushing hard and vocally
for no masks
and no vaccinations
are profiting financially
from COVID.
They are getting rich
from people getting sick
and dying.

When I receive advice
from someone I don’t know
and don’t completely trust,
I always try to figure out
how they would benefit
from giving me that advice.

There’s ALWAYS a benefit.
And the harder people push their advice,
the bigger the benefit
there is.

I benefit from posting here
on client k.
Posting here
fulfills my promise
to previous mentors
to pass along their insights,
to pay their generosity forward.

It also forces me
to write every day,
to continue learning,
to stay current.

I don’t push hard
because having merely 1 reader
will do that for me.

When you receive advice,
always ask yourself
what is in it
for the advice giver.

Note: Earlier this week,
I mused that there was no downside
to letting people wear masks.
I was wrong.
There IS a downside
…for people like these politicians,
people who profit
from other people
getting sick and dying.
The rest of us
merely shouldn’t concern ourselves
with this downside.