The Power Of The Line

The CES in Vegas
had very low attendance
this year.

(Registration was healthy.
didn’t show up
for whatever
**cough, cough – illness**

To create the illusion
of crowds,
forced attendees to wait
in a line outside
their fairly empty display areas.

These artificial lines
did two major things.

1) It drove media coverage.

Reporters wanted to know
what innovation had interested people
enough to wait in the long lines.


2) The existence of the lines
made important guests
feel extra special.
They were able
to go straight to the front,
walking past all the poor suckers
waiting outside the area.

Did the lines attract
more people to the booth?

It did attract SOME people.

It is human nature
to want to be
where everyone else is.

But I suspect it also
drove some people away.
I wasn’t willing to wait
in those artificially created lines,
for example.

Lines attract media attention.
Skipping those lines is viewed
as a valued perk.

Consider creating lines
for events
you suspect the media might cover.

CES And Superspreader Events

I attended this year’s
(Consumer Electronics Show)
in Vegas.

A lot of people attending
this mega conference
were ill.
It was definitely
a superspreader event.

The CES organizers
must have anticipated this possibility.

They had signs erected
telling participants to wear masks,
social distance, test,
and stay away if they were ill.

They gave away
black KN95 masks.

They gave away
test kits.

They had hand sanitizer stations
positioned everywhere.

Ventilation systems in the buildings
were blasting.

There were displays outside.

The CES covered their a$$es.
They did their part
to stop illnesses.

They can truthfully say to the media
and others
it wasn’t their fault
only 5% or fewer participants
wore masks.
(Which meant, of course,
the CES didn’t have to supply
many free masks.)

They took precautions.
Participants chose
to spread illness.

When organizing an event
or, f@ck,
when running a business,
cover your a$$ also.

Illness is circulating.
Lawsuits and bad media coverage
will happen
due to it.

Supply masks, tests
and hand sanitizer
and improve ventilation.

The cost of this is less
than you likely believe
and the benefits
will be enormous.

Paid Products With Excessive Advertising

One of the book marketing tool companies
I use
to design ads
has increased the amount
of advertising on their site.


It is now d@mn difficult
to use the tools
I paid for.

There are free versions
of these tools.

I didn’t choose to use them
because they had…
excessive advertising.

Now, I’m wondering
why I’m PAYING to use tools
that also have
excessive advertising.

There is a ‘free’ version
of almost every digital product
out there.

Your paid customers
are paying customers
they don’t want to wade through
to use your products.

Focus your advertising efforts

Reduce Stress

The average adult
is extremely stressed.

According to the 2023
Stress In America report,
24% of adults
rated their stress
as extremely high
(compared to 19%
in 2019).

Stress levels are lower
for older people.

Only 9% of those aged 65+
feel extremely stressed.

In contrast,
34% of those aged 18 to 24
feel extremely stressed.

What does this mean
for business builders?

Our employees are likely
to be under a LOT of stress.

Our customers are also
likely looking for ways
to lower their stress levels.

If we can reduce stress
with our products, our services,
our management style,
we are more likely
to earn loyalty
from the people around us.

The Hype And The Reality

I have an elderly loved one
who REALLY loves Christmas.

For at least a month
leading up to Christmas,
she hypes it up in her mind.

Then, on Christmas Day,
she cries
because the reality
never matches the vision
she has created for it.

It CAN’T do that.

Reality is imperfect.
Things go wrong.
People say not-ideal things.
Emergencies happen.

This is true of almost everything.

The business you create,
for example,
won’t be the business
you dreamed of creating.

You’ll have grumpy customers.
There will be lean sales times.
Not everyone will understand
or appreciate
what you’re trying to accomplish.

Your reality won’t live up
to the hype.

But there will still be
awesome moments.

Enjoy those awesome moments.

And remember that
great stories
come from things that go wrong.

Marketing Tied To US Thanksgiving

Promoting our products
using Thanksgiving in the US
can be…problematic.

US Thanksgiving is tied to the pilgrims
and how Europeans treated
the Indigenous populations in the US
(i.e. horrifically).

(I think that is why
so many businesses
focus on Black Friday.)

In Canada,
there is no such tie.
Thanksgiving (in October)
is purely
a celebration of the harvest.

And there are celebrations
of the harvest
in almost ALL cultures.

If you want to run promotions
tied to Thanksgiving
in the US,
consider celebrating
the harvest.

Focus on the pumpkins,
the corn,
and other symbols of it.

Very few people
will object
to a celebration of the harvest.

For Their Health

A buddy in the the travel business
told me
they are seeing an increase
in bookings for vacations
for ‘mental health reasons.’

The world is a mess.
People are under
a lot of stress due to that.

They are searching
for ways
to decrease that stress.

Does your product/service
decrease stress?

Does it offer an escape?
Does it take some of the workload
off people?
Does it make their lives easier?

Stress that
in your marketing material.

Encourage prospects
to buy your products/services
‘for their mental health.’

There’s a growing need
for that.

Honest Yet Anonymous

I posted about
how social media posts
under your own name
can cost you
your dream job.

But-but-but I’m not a writer,
you say.
I don’t have a pen name.

You likely have
a first name.
Post under that.
Or initials.
Or a passion.

The ‘trick’
is to not easily be
to leave some doubt
in employer’s minds
that the person posting
is you.

When you are approached
about it,
respond with
There are quite a few
Jills in the world,
aren’t there?”
And leave it at that.

Leave room for doubt.

Do Something Nice For At Least One Customer Today

The world has been
a tire fire lately.

People are struggling.

But we have the ability
to make
at least one person’s life
a little easier,
a little better.

Do something nice
for at least
one of your customers.

Forgive a late fee.

Add a happy face sticker
to the outside of a delivery package.

Send someone a personalized card
telling them
the world is better
with them in it.

Listen to them.
Really listen to them.

Do something nice.

It’ll make a difference
in their world.

AND it might make your world
a bit better also.

In Loving Memory Of…

I received mail
from a charity.
The envelope had
“In Loving Memory Of”
printed on it
and then my name and address.

I suspect
the marketer thought
it was a clever way
to encourage me
to put the charity
in my will.

I say suspect
because I didn’t open it.
I shredded it immediately.
Then I asked to go
do not contact
with that charity.

I spent the rest of the day
freaked out,
taking extra safety precautions,
feeling like
I might die at any time.

Don’t wish harm or death
your prospective customers.