In Loving Memory Of…

I received mail
from a charity.
The envelope had
“In Loving Memory Of”
printed on it
and then my name and address.

I suspect
the marketer thought
it was a clever way
to encourage me
to put the charity
in my will.

I say suspect
because I didn’t open it.
I shredded it immediately.
Then I asked to go
do not contact
with that charity.

I spent the rest of the day
freaked out,
taking extra safety precautions,
feeling like
I might die at any time.

Don’t wish harm or death
your prospective customers.

Do It For The Children

In the Before Times,
before the pandemic,
charities and other entities
would plead to adults
to do (X) “for the children”,
leave a better world for them,
make their lives better.

This, they believed,
was a valid marketing angle.

People care about kids,


The pandemic showed us
this display of caring
was complete bullsh*t.
The average person won’t wear
a piece of cloth across their face
to keep their own kids alive.
They certainly don’t give a sh*t
about kids halfway around the world
what type of planet
their kids will inherit.

People give to charity
or buy from certain entities
to make THEMSELVES feel better.
It isn’t about the kids.
It is about them.

The ‘do it for the kids’ angle
isn’t enough.
There has to be something
in it
for the adult.