The Hype And The Reality

I have an elderly loved one
who REALLY loves Christmas.

For at least a month
leading up to Christmas,
she hypes it up in her mind.

Then, on Christmas Day,
she cries
because the reality
never matches the vision
she has created for it.

It CAN’T do that.

Reality is imperfect.
Things go wrong.
People say not-ideal things.
Emergencies happen.

This is true of almost everything.

The business you create,
for example,
won’t be the business
you dreamed of creating.

You’ll have grumpy customers.
There will be lean sales times.
Not everyone will understand
or appreciate
what you’re trying to accomplish.

Your reality won’t live up
to the hype.

But there will still be
awesome moments.

Enjoy those awesome moments.

And remember that
great stories
come from things that go wrong.