You’re Not A Billionaire. Yet.

I’ve posted in the past about
how being approachable
our businesses.

People tell us
useful sh*t.

But, but,
you say,
‘X isn’t approachable
and he’s a billionaire.’

You’re not
a f*ckin’ billionaire.
Billionaires play by their own rules
because they’re the people
creating the rules.

And yes, X is a total d*ck
but I suspect he has people
working for him
who are more approachable.

You and I are
building our businesses.
People are more likely
to be within arm’s reach
of us
than of X billionaire.

We should try
our d@mnedest not to be d@cks
to our customers.

Do Something Nice For At Least One Customer Today

The world has been
a tire fire lately.

People are struggling.

But we have the ability
to make
at least one person’s life
a little easier,
a little better.

Do something nice
for at least
one of your customers.

Forgive a late fee.

Add a happy face sticker
to the outside of a delivery package.

Send someone a personalized card
telling them
the world is better
with them in it.

Listen to them.
Really listen to them.

Do something nice.

It’ll make a difference
in their world.

AND it might make your world
a bit better also.

The Truth Teller

The no-topic-meeting-setting manager
I talked about yesterday
1) didn’t know
the trauma he was inflicting
on his employees
2) was deliberately
inflicting trauma
on his employees.

In both cases,
he would have benefited
from someone
who telling him
he was f*cking up,
who would have pointed out
he was being
a sh*tty human.

We all need a truth teller,
someone we respect
and listen to
who will inform us
when we’re f*cking up.

And we ALL f*ck up
from time to time.

The truth teller is an essential part
of successful people’s teams.
We NEED to do better.
We NEED to stop making
costly mistakes.

When you find a truth teller,
protect them
from others
but mostly from yourself.

Rant into the empty sky
about their feedback later.
Shut up
and listen to them
when you’re face-to-face.

Find your truth teller.
Then protect them.