The Truth Teller

The no-topic-meeting-setting manager
I talked about yesterday
1) didn’t know
the trauma he was inflicting
on his employees
2) was deliberately
inflicting trauma
on his employees.

In both cases,
he would have benefited
from someone
who telling him
he was f*cking up,
who would have pointed out
he was being
a sh*tty human.

We all need a truth teller,
someone we respect
and listen to
who will inform us
when we’re f*cking up.

And we ALL f*ck up
from time to time.

The truth teller is an essential part
of successful people’s teams.
We NEED to do better.
We NEED to stop making
costly mistakes.

When you find a truth teller,
protect them
from others
but mostly from yourself.

Rant into the empty sky
about their feedback later.
Shut up
and listen to them
when you’re face-to-face.

Find your truth teller.
Then protect them.

When The People Around You Hate You

The Dr. Oz video
with him attempting to shop
at a grocery store
is what happens
when the people
around you
hate you.

His goal,
I believe,
was to appear
like an average person.

it shows how out of touch
he is
with the average person.

He says he’s shopping
for a crudité,
a term not many average people
He misnames the grocery store.
He misnames vegetables.
He shops without a basket.

It is an embarrassing mess.
Yet the people around him
allowed him
to share it
on social media.

Ensure you have people
around you
who will stop you
from doing f*cked up things
like this.
And ensure
you listen to them.

We ALL need
a support team
who actually supports us.