How Much Notice Do You Need?

I told a loved one
that I needed 24 hours notice
before traveling.

I have businesses to run
and I need that time
to activate processes
so these businesses
can operate without me.

how much notice
you’d need
in certain situations.

Try to reduce
that notice duration.
The quicker you can pivot,
the more successful
you and your business
will likely be.

Inform key partners
about the notice period.
And stick to it.

You likely can’t drop everything
this very moment
to do something.
That would result
in a disaster.

How much notice
do you need?

Your Partner’s View Of Your Future

A literary agent
recently posted
that agents need
to make money from books
because it is a career for them
but writers don’t have
the same need
for money
because it is a passion for them.

F*ck that agent.
I hope everyone she represents
looks for someone else
to partner with.

Because, of course, writers
need to make money.
Writing might be a great job
but it is still a job.
And writers need to eat also.

no one works with an agent
for fun.
That is purely a business relationship.

Make certain
the people and businesses
you partner with
have the same view
of your future
as you do.

If they don’t,
look for someone else
to partner with.

Grouping Requests

Today, I sent the cover requests
for the next five books in the same series
to my cover artist.

The stories will have very similar covers.
Colors will be different.
The hero’s image will be different.
But other aspects like font
and logos will be the same.

I sent the requests all at once
because it might be
easier and faster
for my cover artist
to craft them all at once.

That will save her time.
I will receive the covers sooner.
This benefits both of us.

But it does require
some forward thinking on my part.
I had to get my sh*t organized.

That effort is worth it
if it makes both of our lives

Consider grouping similar requests,
Allow the requestee
to work more efficiently.