Can Partners Accept Criticism?

A cover artist
went on a rant
talking about
how writers ‘attacked’ her
over a recent cover she created.

The comments I saw
were critiques.
They weren’t attacks.

No one likes criticism.

But a cover artist
or any other partner
who can’t deal with it
is someone I don’t want
to work with.

Because what she’s saying
it is my way
or no way.

That’s not a partnership.
That’s a dictatorship.

The writer
wouldn’t be an equal partner
in that relationship.
They would have no say
in any decisions.

Don’t work with people
who can’t take criticism.

Your Partner’s View Of Your Future

A literary agent
recently posted
that agents need
to make money from books
because it is a career for them
but writers don’t have
the same need
for money
because it is a passion for them.

F*ck that agent.
I hope everyone she represents
looks for someone else
to partner with.

Because, of course, writers
need to make money.
Writing might be a great job
but it is still a job.
And writers need to eat also.

no one works with an agent
for fun.
That is purely a business relationship.

Make certain
the people and businesses
you partner with
have the same view
of your future
as you do.

If they don’t,
look for someone else
to partner with.