Living On Site

Jayne Merner Senecal
Earth Care Farm
stresses the benefits
of living on site
at their compost facilities.

“I find that
living in the middle of it
has really helped me
to keep that good eye.

I know not everyone can live
in the middle of
their giant compost operation
or even their small one
but having someone on site helps.

Because a lot of times
this interesting thing happens
—we call it the morning bloom—
where there can be odors
in the late night/early morning
that you wouldn’t know about
if you were living off site.”

This benefit to living
on site
isn’t unique to compost farms.

It’s the reason
many store owners
live above their stores.

Nothing beats
living on site.

And that’s an advantage
we small business owners have
over the large corporations.

We can be
THAT close to our businesses.

Consider living on site.

The Alternatives To Twitter

The alternatives to Twitter
(or X
or whatever he’s calling the site
all currently suck.

They’re new.
They have bugs.
They don’t yet have
the customer base
to make it
worth a big company’s while
to invest time into.

And I suspect
only one of them
will survive.

I’m investing a bit
of time into them,


Because some of
the big influencers
in my industry are doing the same.

And because
there aren’t many people
using the sites right now,
they are willing to follow
and promote…
and my books (products).

That is exposing my books (products)
to huge new-to-me readerships (customers).
And I’m building relationships
with these influencers.

Consider joining
the Twitter alternatives.

Changes Create Advantages

The average person
finds change stressful.
That’s normal.
That’s expected.

But for business builders,
change is often
VERY, VERY good.

Change creates gaps
in markets
that we can fill.

Large companies
can’t adapt quickly
to change.
There are too many people
and too many systems
to modify.

I can change my entire business
in a couple of days
if I wanted
to do that.

If I see a hot trend
in publishing,
for example,
I can release a book
in a month or less
to speak to it.

Large New York Publishers
would take
years to play in that hot selling niche.

Small businesses
have advantages
larger competitors
can never match.

Use those advantages!