Spring And Starting New Projects

Spring is a time
of baby squirrels
and newborn robins.

It is a time
of budding maple trees
and sprouting daffodil bulbs.

It is a time
for starting fresh,
for change,
for hope.

Harness that optimism.
Hitch onto that momentum.
Start that project
you’re passionate about.

There is change all
around you.
Contribute your own change
to the chaos.

Take action today.

Take Action

The world has some challenges
right now.
There is at least one
major pandemic happening.
There’s climate change.
There are wars brewing.

This causes stress.
And stress isn’t good
for any of us.

I’m a doer.
we do.

Taking action
relieves stress
for me.

It doesn’t have
to be big action.
I pick worms off pavement
and put them on the grass
after the rain.
I let my dandelions grow
and feed the bees.
I wear a mask
while in indoor public places.
I stay home
when I’m feeling ill.

I do little things.
But the important part
for me
and for my stress levels
I DO things.

Take action
if you’re stressed
about the state
of the world.

Take Action Today

I haven’t posted
one of these reminders
in a while
but it is needed more
than on any other day
in the past.

Take action NOW.
Stop reading this post
Do something immediately
to make
your dreams,
your goals
more of a reality.

I’m serious.
Do it right now.

It doesn’t have
to be a big action.

It could be
writing down the first line
of the novel
you’ve been wanting to write
choosing the cap color
on the new beverage
you want to develop.

Take SOME sort of action.

The world is completely
f*cked up
and it will become
more and more
f*cked up
with each passing day.

We don’t have time
to f*ck around.

Live a life
with no regrets.

Take action today.

Push your dreams
closer to reality.

There’s Always A Downside

There’s always a downside
to every decision,
even the smallest ones.

If I have toast for breakfast,
for example,
I have one less slice of bread
for future sandwiches.

We can try to decrease
the downside
(in this case,
perhaps buying more bread)
but we will never eliminate it.

Seth Godin

“We don’t try something
simply because
there’s no downside.
we intelligently choose projects
where the downside is understood
and the work is worth doing.”

Know the downsides of your decisions.
Try to minimize them,
prepare for them.
Then take action.

There are no risk-free choices.

The Imperfect Action

I see this ALL the time
– Someone takes action.
It is a helpful action
but it isn’t a perfect action.
So others try to stop them.

It is happening now
with tree planting.
Tree planting is a helpful action.
Trees that were burned down
in the many, MANY wildfires
should be replaced.

But it isn’t a perfect action.
If the right trees aren’t planted
the right way at the right time,
it could cause more problems
than it solves.

So there are some environmentalists
who are shaming entities and people
for planting trees.

Which is a totally sh*tty
and unproductive thing to do.

(A more productive response
would be ensuring entities and people
are aligned with the right
tree planting organizations.
Also taking this opportunity
to talk to them
about other environmental actions.)

You will likely be shamed
by some benchwarmers
for your imperfect actions also
(and ALL actions are somewhat imperfect).

Don’t let that stop you.
Take the best action
you can
and ignore the critics.

No Need To Be Perfect

I’ve never launched a perfect product.
I’ve launched very successful products
but none of them were perfect.
Some of them were far from perfect.

You don’t need a perfect product
to be successful.
What you absolutely need,
is A product,
something prospects can buy.

So take your ‘good enough’ product
(good enough meaning
satisfying prospects’ needs
better than the competition)
and launch.

You can fine tune it
as awareness builds
and sales pour in.