Measles In The Mix

In the past,
I’ve advised you
and other business builders
to make
masks and hand sanitizer
freely available to employees.

It is simply the right thing
to do
for you,
your employees
and your business.

If you’re looking at it
from a purely financial perspective,
one benefit of
providing masks and hand sanitizer
it will greatly decrease
the odds of your business
getting sued into the ground
because someone became seriously ill
while on your premises.

And providing masks and hand sanitizer
is fairly inexpensive to do.

But, but employees won’t wear the masks,
you say.

If employees don’t wear the masks,
hey, the price of supplying them with masks
decreases even more.

But make them available
and be visible about this.

Post signs
in employee areas.

Place the masks and disinfectant
in plain view.

with measles spreading today
in addition to COVID
and Monkeypox and Candida Auris
and other sh*t
continuing to circulate,
providing masks and disinfectant
has gone from a recommendation
to a MUST-DO
if you want your business to survive
long term.

This infectious sh*t
isn’t going away.

Protect your employees
and protect your business.

Supply masks
and hand sanitizer.

Make It Easier For Partners

Getting any tasks done
right now,
with the multiple pandemics
is challenging.

People are taking time off
for illness.
Or, often worse,
they’re working while ill.

There’s low energy
and brains are fuzzy.

So if I want something done
and I’m feeling great,
I make it as easy
as possible
for the other person
to complete the task.

I clear the working space,
for example.
I provide all the information
they’d need
in one easy document.
I list the tasks
that need to be completed.
I do as much as possible

And that increases
the probability
tasks will be completed.

Make assigned tasks
as easy as possible
for your partners
to complete.

There’s Little Upside To Becoming Ill

One of my dumba$$ friends
told me
he planned to intentionally
get measles
so he could build his immunity up.

Measles is a BAD disease.
There’s a risk of dying,
of going blind,
of being ill for the rest
of our lives.

And it makes people VERY ill
in the short run.

Who the f*ck has time for that?

I’ve got sh*t to do.
Give me a vaccine shot
and let me get back to work.

There’s very little upside
to becoming ill.
There’s a f*ckload of downside.
Including death.

And being ill sucks
valuable time
we could use to build businesses
and change the world.

Take a hard pass
on intentionally infecting yourself.