Measles In The Mix

In the past,
I’ve advised you
and other business builders
to make
masks and hand sanitizer
freely available to employees.

It is simply the right thing
to do
for you,
your employees
and your business.

If you’re looking at it
from a purely financial perspective,
one benefit of
providing masks and hand sanitizer
it will greatly decrease
the odds of your business
getting sued into the ground
because someone became seriously ill
while on your premises.

And providing masks and hand sanitizer
is fairly inexpensive to do.

But, but employees won’t wear the masks,
you say.

If employees don’t wear the masks,
hey, the price of supplying them with masks
decreases even more.

But make them available
and be visible about this.

Post signs
in employee areas.

Place the masks and disinfectant
in plain view.

with measles spreading today
in addition to COVID
and Monkeypox and Candida Auris
and other sh*t
continuing to circulate,
providing masks and disinfectant
has gone from a recommendation
to a MUST-DO
if you want your business to survive
long term.

This infectious sh*t
isn’t going away.

Protect your employees
and protect your business.

Supply masks
and hand sanitizer.