When Were You Last Wrong?

I am wrong.

Everyone is wrong.

Because we’re all making decisions
with only partial information.
And sometimes that information
is incorrect.

None of us
have all the information.

Situations are constantly

What is right today
might be wrong tomorrow.

When was the last time
you were wrong?

If that hasn’t happened
you’re likely
clinging to some bad decisions.

Reevaluate your processes
and increase your odds
of success.

Wait To Act On Research

The latest ‘game’
is to release a study
with a completely bullsh*t conclusion
and then,
a few weeks later,
after the media coverage
has stopped,
release a retraction,
admitting it was total bullsh*t.

This doesn’t help
those of us
who have made decisions,
including business decisions,
based on the original
bullsh*t conclusions.

The damage has been done.

This has happened
so often
I’ve added extra steps
to my process.

I wait for a month,
if I can,
to act on any piece
of new information.

I also wait
to hear
feedback on the research
from experts
I trust.

Wait for feedback
and reactions
on new research
before acting upon it.

Driving While Looking In The Rearview Mirror

I find it amusing that weeks after
the decision has been made,
the talking heads are still discussing
whether or not the financial bailout
should have happened.

A useless exercise.

As a businessleader,
you are paid to make decisions.

If it is a good decision,
you tuck that knowledge away for later
and move forward.

If it is a bad decision
(and you will make bad decisions,
that is a guarantee),
you take action to recover from it,
tuck that knowledge away for later,
and move forward.

There is no undo button
once a decision has been made and implemented
(even partially).
Keep looking forward.