Change Your Holiday Music

You have a good compilation
of holiday music.
It is long enough
that the average customer
won’t listen
to the same song twice.

Why do you need
a better selection than that?

Because your employees
are listening
to the same d@mn songs
every f*cking day.

That is grinding down
their morale.

And that is impacting
their interactions
with your customers.

Change your holiday music.

Your employees
will thank you for it.

And your customers
will be happier.

How To Make Employees Quit

Billionaire alien
and overall horrible being
Elon Musk told his minions
to physically return
to the office of HIS choice
40 hours a week.

“Anyone who wishes to do
remote work
must be in the office
for a minimum
(and I mean *minimum*)
of 40 hours per week
or depart Tesla.
This is less than we ask
of factory workers.”

“If you don’t show up,
we will assume you have resigned.”

“Tesla has and will
and actually manufacture
the most exciting
and meaningful products
of any company on Earth.
This will not happen
by phoning it in.”

This threat,
worded as an insult,
is clearly
an attempt
to make employees quit,
to reduce headcount
without having to pay severance.

In some countries,
like Canada,
this would result in
and costly lawsuits.

But the USA has very few
protections for workers.
And it is a viable
yet extremely unethical

The best and the brightest employees
will leave.

The employees who are as unethical
as their leader
will likely sabotage the company
on the way out.

The employees who are left
will be bitter and unhappy.

I wouldn’t recommend
this tactic
for reducing headcount.

Great leaders
want to retain
their talented employees
and build loyalty.