Eat The Rich

Often one of our goals,
as business builders,
is to be able to provide
for ourselves and our loved ones,
to be financially stable
or even financially rich.

But we should also
want to be physically safe
and that might mean,
in today’s environment,
downplaying our financial stability
in public.

As a writer,
a person in the entertainment industry,
I watch trends in entertainment.

One of the HUGE trends
is, what I call,
eating the rich.
The evil character
is a rich person
and that evil is usually defeated

The ‘fantasy’ is killing
a wealthy person.

Recently, there were a collection of articles
about how people are increasingly
stealing food and other items from
huge profit-making grocery stores.

If you see one of these articles,
read the comments.
99% of the comments I’ve read
support the people stealing.
The commenters see it
as being justified
as the food-stealers
are stealing from the rich.

There is a growing anger
toward the rich
and that WILL result
in violence.

You might not wish
to flaunt your wealth
right now.

How To Make Employees Quit

Billionaire alien
and overall horrible being
Elon Musk told his minions
to physically return
to the office of HIS choice
40 hours a week.

“Anyone who wishes to do
remote work
must be in the office
for a minimum
(and I mean *minimum*)
of 40 hours per week
or depart Tesla.
This is less than we ask
of factory workers.”

“If you don’t show up,
we will assume you have resigned.”

“Tesla has and will
and actually manufacture
the most exciting
and meaningful products
of any company on Earth.
This will not happen
by phoning it in.”

This threat,
worded as an insult,
is clearly
an attempt
to make employees quit,
to reduce headcount
without having to pay severance.

In some countries,
like Canada,
this would result in
and costly lawsuits.

But the USA has very few
protections for workers.
And it is a viable
yet extremely unethical

The best and the brightest employees
will leave.

The employees who are as unethical
as their leader
will likely sabotage the company
on the way out.

The employees who are left
will be bitter and unhappy.

I wouldn’t recommend
this tactic
for reducing headcount.

Great leaders
want to retain
their talented employees
and build loyalty.

Eat The Rich

I’ve noticed an increasing level
of anger
against the wealthy.
This disturbs me.

And I predict the anger will only
become greater.

The wealthy will be buffered
from many
of the upcoming climate change disasters.
There is greater disparity
in the US
between the incomes of
the average person
and the rich.
There will be desperation
and fear
amongst the general public
and that often leads
to revolutions.

Wealthy people
usually don’t fare well
in revolutions.

In the past,
being a nice rich person,
someone generous with her wealth
hasn’t been enough
to save that person
from harm.
All the wealthy
are seen and treated
very similarly.

What HAS saved wealthy people
in the past
is being secretly wealthy.
They live in regular homes
in regular neighborhoods
and don’t splash their cash around.
They don’t name businesses or buildings
after themselves.
They don’t broadcast their wealth.

They keep this low profile from day one
of wealth building.

The good news is
that is where many business builders are
right now – at day one.

Consider building your business
and your wealth
so your ownership of it
isn’t glaringly obvious.

And maybe don’t post
about your luxury space vacations
on social media,
especially when other people’s homes
are burning down
and/or being flooded across your home country.