Take Action On 2024 Goals And Resolutions

It is January 31st,
the last day
of the first month
of 2024.

Take action on
your 2024 goals/resolutions.

You don’t have to complete
any of them
Merely take an additional step.

Decide on a font
for your packaging.
Make a phone call.
Uncover what type of breakfast
your target market eats.

If you feel good
after taking that small step,
consider taking another small step.

If you don’t feel good,
stop for today.
You can take another small step

Take action on your goals
Finish the month strong.

We Can’t Afford To Be Ill

I can’t afford to be ill.

I live in Canada.
My stance doesn’t have
anything to do
with the financial costs
of medical care.

It has to do with time.
I don’t have the spare time
to be ill.
I don’t WANT to spend
time being ill.

I have books to write
(products to produce),
businesses to run,
other things I’d prefer
to do.

So I take precautions.
I wear a mask.
I wash my hands.
I improve ventilation
in spaces I occupy
(I have a personal air purifier
I hang on an lanyard
and wear around my neck.)

All of this
takes mere seconds.

I can then focus on other things.

And I save countless days
not being ill.

You and I can’t afford to be ill.

Preventing illness
has a huge return on investment.

Make that investment.