The Alternatives To Twitter

The alternatives to Twitter
(or X
or whatever he’s calling the site
all currently suck.

They’re new.
They have bugs.
They don’t yet have
the customer base
to make it
worth a big company’s while
to invest time into.

And I suspect
only one of them
will survive.

I’m investing a bit
of time into them,


Because some of
the big influencers
in my industry are doing the same.

And because
there aren’t many people
using the sites right now,
they are willing to follow
and promote…
and my books (products).

That is exposing my books (products)
to huge new-to-me readerships (customers).
And I’m building relationships
with these influencers.

Consider joining
the Twitter alternatives.

Friends And Buying Our Products

I was chatting to a buddy
about the no promoting
on certain social media platforms

And she said,
“But if you chat with them,
you’ll become friends
then they will buy your books.”

My reply was,
“You’re my friend.
How many of my books
have YOU bought?”

There was a stretch of awkward silence
followed by a bunch of excuses.

That is my point

Friends often don’t buy
our products
or pay to use our services.
Don’t expect that
to happen.
Don’t build a business
around it happening.

And don’t assume
being best friends
with prospects
will lead to sales.

Often, the opposite
will happen.

Friends are the worst prospects.
Look elsewhere
for customers.