Not Everyone Is Online

I’m online every day.
I prefer to handle
and not see
anyone face-to-face
or talk to them on the phone.

It is easy for me
to think
EVERYONE is like me
because so many of the people
I deal with
are also heavily online.

But that’s a tiny percentage
of the world’s population.
Heck, it is a tiny percentage
of America’s population.

Print book sales,
for example,
consist of 66.69%
of total book sales
in the US.

The majority
of readers,
some of the most educated,
wealthiest people
in America,
read offline.
They don’t read on their phones
or other devices.

Remember this
setting up systems,
crafting marketing campaigns,
deciding where
your products or services
are sold.

Only a small fraction
of people
are consistently online.