Create COVID-Safe Spaces

I recently took a cruise.
A loved one and I
were two of very few people
on board
who masked.

(Yes, COVID ripped through the ship
and yes, many people disembarked
looking dreadfully ill.)

Early in the first day,
we approached
the maître d’
of the main restaurant
and requested a socially distanced table.

There were a few of these tables
in the restaurant.
They weren’t located
in great places.
They were tucked in corners
and against walls
and under super strong air vents.

The maître d’ had already
assigned these tables
to less ‘particular’ guests,
guests he figured
would be less likely to complain.

He DID find us
a socially distanced table
but it was a premium table
with a table left empty
beside it.

It would have been
much more efficient
and better for everyone
if he had simply saved
a couple socially distanced tables
for the COVID cautious.
I would have loved
the super strong air vents
other patrons found irritating.

COVID safe spaces
can be spaces
no other customers want.

You can make
BOTH sets of customers
by providing them.

Know The Odds

I recently took a cruise
with a loved one.
We masked in public
when not eating
and asked
for socially distanced tables
during meal times.

Why did we take these precautions?

Because I researched
and laid out the odds
of events happening
before we embarked.

The odds of COVID
being on board
were 100%.

The odds of being exposed
to COVID on board
were also 100%.

The odds of deriving long COVID
if we were infected
were 1 in 8.

If we looked at the odds,
we would be dumb a$$es
not to mask.

We masked.
COVID, as predicted,
raged through the ship.
People around us became sick.
We didn’t get COVID.

(And yes,
I know luck was also
a big factor in that.)

Know the odds
of events happening
before you make decisions.

It might not change
your decision
but, at the very least,
you can prepare
for high probability events
to happen.