Warning Of Updates

My webhost, like most webhosts,
updates backend systems
every so often.

They never warn me
they are doing this.
I will try to access a site
and nothing works.

This stresses me out.
I think the worst
– I’ve been hacked
and I freak out.

When I contact the webhost,
they’ll then tell me
that, of course, it isn’t working.
I have to update X and Y.

Learning from this example,
I now warn blog readers
in advance
when I am updating
the look of my blog.
This reassures them
they are still reading the same blog.

Warn users
before you update or change things.

When You Change

If I write outside
a certain reader favorite series,
my new stories
receive a flood of 1 star reviews
on release day.

Some readers think
if they 1 star my stories
in the new series,
I will return to the
reader favorite series
and focus all my efforts there.

(I’m perverse
so their 1 starring actually does
the opposite.
It pushes me to write more stories
in the new series.)

They are punishing me
for trying something new.

Some people don’t like it
when we change.

They don’t care
if we change for the better,
if the change makes us happier
or healthier.

Because their grievance isn’t about us.

It is about them,
about the effort they have to
put in
to adjust to the new us.

Well… f*ck them.
Focus on YOUR happiness,
YOUR version of success.

Make the changes
you want to make
and ignore the resisters.

client k And Changes

If you’re reading this post
from the website,
you’ll notice
the theme has changed.

This likely won’t be
the final theme.
It is plain even for me.

But it had to be changed
as the old theme was…old
and that compromised
its security.

I didn’t want
to make this change
at first.
In this way,
I was like
the average person
– resistant to change.

But I now see
the possibilities.
I have the opportunity
to freshen
the look of the blog
and to think about
the additional information
I want to place around it.

The look WILL evolve.
Thank you for your patience.