The Speed Of Change

A buddy said to me,
“The world is changing
so f*cking fast.
I can’t keep up.”

The world IS changing
more quicky
than it has in the past.

But that change
is still very, very slow.

The reason it seems
like it is changing
so f*cking fast
is because
we HAVEN’T been keeping up.

We haven’t been
paying attention
or taking the previous changes

Experts have been warning
about the US
falling to fascism
for decades.

We simply didn’t pay attention
to them
until the Supreme Court
gave the US President
King-like powers.

Scientists have been warning
about climate change
for over a century.

We mocked and derided them
until we got a monster hurricane
in the same day
as widespread floods
and fires.

Even the pandemic was predicted.
Experts warned we were due
for a world-wide pandemic.

If we want our businesses
to survive
and flourish
in the future,
we have to pay attention
to experts
and to the less-impactful changes
happening all around us.

The signs are there.
Heed them.

The Future Is Disability

With multiple pandemics
on the go
and several new ones
on the horizon
paired with very few mitigations
being in place,
a prudent business builder
plans for disability.

Our employees’.
Our customers’.

What does this mean?

It means giving customers
a shop from home option.

It means providing masks
and hand sanitizer
to employees and customers
to decrease the odds
of being sued
when those employees and customers
become permanently ill.

It means installing systems
that make our businesses
easier to run
if we become permanently ill.

It means researching
the needs and requirements
of permanently ill people
and doing all we can
to ensure our businesses serve them
as customers, employees, owners
as best as possible.

(I’m not part of this group…yet.
I don’t have any insider tips
on how to do this.
I’m doing my research like you are.)

Don’t wait
until it is a requirement
to do this.

Plan for a world
of disabled people now.