Using Boredom To Your Advantage

There is a reason,
I suspect,
that media and leaders
are talking about Bird Flu now,
before it shifts
to human to human transmission.

And I don’t think
that reason is preparedness.

I believe leaders
are leveraging the tendency
for people to become bored,
to no longer worry
about threats
after a passage of time.

In a month or two,
bird flu will become old news.
It won’t interest people
because we will have talked about it
for a while.

When human to human transmission happens
and the sickness and dying occurs
in larger numbers,
there won’t be a push
to put protections in place
that might disrupt business.

Business builders
in the publishing industry
used this same tactic
to employ AI
for cover art, editing, writing.

There was big outrage
at first.
Readers then got bored
and moved on.
The publishing industry
is now rolling out
AI everything
and there is no pushback.

Realize that people
bore easily.
Use that
to your advantage.

Avian Flu And Building Businesses

Many of my science contacts
are EXTREMELY worried
about avian flu
jumping to human hosts.

If this happens
and it isn’t quickly detected
(it has already happened
at least once)
and transmission happens
between humans,
the outbreak is likely to be
100 times worse than COVID.

One expert contact
is privately predicting
a BILLION dead.

with a ‘B.’

What does this mean
for business builders?

It means
having a purely virtual option.

It means
looking into a variety
of delivery methods
for products and services.

It means
investing in masks
and hand sanitizer
and great ventilation

It means stocking up
essential supplies
assuming there will be
future supply chain disruptions.

It means preparing,
taking this possible threat

Assume there will be
another pandemic.

Build your business
to survive that happening.