People Don’t Want To Change

I temporarily reversed
a health condition
that kills people
in my family.

My family members
know I did this.

Not one person
has asked me
HOW I did this.

Because they know
they’ll have to change
and they don’t want
to change

Even if it will give them
an additional decade or so
of healthy living.

THIS is how
people are to change.

F*ck, most people won’t wear
a little piece of cloth
over their pie-holes
to prevent themselves
from being sick
half a f*ckin’ year.

They WILL also resist
any change to their lifestyles
our products/services

Reduce the impacts
of your products/services.

Make any change
they cause
as easy as possible
for your target audience.

Expect some resistance.

Changes Create Advantages

The average person
finds change stressful.
That’s normal.
That’s expected.

But for business builders,
change is often
VERY, VERY good.

Change creates gaps
in markets
that we can fill.

Large companies
can’t adapt quickly
to change.
There are too many people
and too many systems
to modify.

I can change my entire business
in a couple of days
if I wanted
to do that.

If I see a hot trend
in publishing,
for example,
I can release a book
in a month or less
to speak to it.

Large New York Publishers
would take
years to play in that hot selling niche.

Small businesses
have advantages
larger competitors
can never match.

Use those advantages!

This Isn’t A Young Person Thing

A dear friend
shared that her daughter
had come out as being asexual.
This friend has been doing research,
saying she had to do that
because “they didn’t have this
when I was a kid.”

Asexuals existed when she was a kid.

Asexuality wasn’t commonly known.
Asexuals tended to keep their identities
to themselves.
Some asexuals
(as well as other non-heterosexual and/or non-cis people)
didn’t make it to adulthood.

But they DID exist.

And these older asexuals or trans or others
are likely part of our customer bases now.
How we accommodate/welcome them
will decide
whether or not
they remain our customers.

Don’t dismiss
new societal discussions
as ‘young people issues.’
They involve
all age groups.