On Hold

I called a car dealership today,
inquiring about a wire transfer.
I was put ‘on hold’
as the saleswoman looked for the information.

The hold didn’t take.

I heard her refer to me as
“another loser”
as well as other less than glowing terms.
I heard her coworker’s equally
disrespectful reply.

Then she came back on the phone
sweet as apple pie.

Two lessons from this.
First, learn how to use the hold button.
Second, even if you use the hold button,
act as though the customer
can hear every word you’re saying.

Because she just well might.

Categorized as Sales

Sales At Saks

I walked into a Florida Saks
a couple of weeks ago
and there were sales signs everywhere.

I was taken aback.
This is a high end retailer.

Why would they have sales?
Saks CEO Steve Sadove stated
in the June 30th BusinessWeek
“The high-end consumer likes a deal
like everybody else.”

I agree but
I’m not a fan of competing on price,
especially with high end products.
I think it is a short term tactic
with long term repercussions for the brand.
There are other ways to offer a deal.

Categorized as Sales

Jeff Bezos On Misunderstanding Innovation

New product development is sales.
Plain and simple.
Project managers have to sell
co-workers, executives, vendors, customers,
on the new product.
No matter how good
a salesperson you are,
some people
simply won’t understand.

Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon.com,
explained in the April 28th issue of BusinessWeek
“If you’re going to do something
that’s never been done before
– which is basically what innovation is –
people are going to misunderstand it
just because it’s new.”

Maintaining Mailing Lists

I have a very clean,
very focused mailing list.
These names were obtained via contests
and I only contact them
with contest news.

However, I still lose 1% of the list
every single month.
12% of those are from unsubscribes,
the rest are inactive emails.

What does this mean?
I have to continually add to it.
Even the best mailing lists lose participants.

Oh, and before buying a list,
I ALWAYS ask how old it is.

Categorized as Marketing

Should I Lie On My Resume?

According to a
poll by CareerBuilder.com,
49% of hiring managers
have uncovered a lie on a resume.

What types of lies?
38% exaggerated job responsibilities
18% hyped up skills
10% claimed academic degrees
they hadn’t earned.

With dismissals more and more challenging
(what with the possibilities of lawsuits),
managers are really looking into
candidate qualifications.
Plus the work world is very small.

Don’t lie on your resume.
Odds are, you’ll get caught.

Chris Bosh On The Importance Of Rivals

A good rivalry between two equally strong competitors
adds excitement and interest
to a category.
One great example is Coke and Pepsi.
The Cola Wars provide fodder for business media
and free marketing for the companies.

NBA player Chris Bosh
said on The Hour
“You have to have a rival
in sports
to make it healthy.”
That applies to business also.

Don’t have a rival?
Look again.
Your customers always have choice.

Working In Teams

Are you a lone wolf?
Then you are a business exception.

According to BusinessWeek
(April 28, 2008),
82% of white collar workers partner
with co-workers.

The ideal group for 54% of respondents
is 3 people.

Why do they work with others
rather than go it alone?
46% say to learn from others.
30% to accomplish a specific task.

I, of course, prefer both.
If I can build a team,
accomplish a goal,
and expand my knowledge base,
I’m happy.

Supporting Community

Many companies talk about
how supportive they are of
their local community.

Few companies actually are.
Especially when disaster strikes.

Commander’s Palace in New Orleans
is the rare exception.
They spent time and money
feeding firemen and other emergency personnel
gourmet meals prepared on barbeques.
Not cheapie hot dogs and hamburgers,
gourmet meals.

They didn’t need the media coverage
they received as a result.
This 128 year old landmark restaurant
is full every time I visit.
They do it because they truly believe
in the community.

How can your company better show community support?

Categorized as Marketing

Is Your New Business Development Candidate For Real?

I received an email
after yesterday’s failure post.
The reader thought
if I was an experienced product developer,
I would have met my goals,
especially with something as simple
as a book launch.

I had to smile.
First, there’s nothing simple about a book launch.
The market is satuated,
the customer base shrinking.

Second, if a product developer
claims to have never failed once
with any of her hundreds of launches,
he or she is a liar.
A thousand different things can go wrong with a launch.
Failure is part of the job.

How To Bounce Back From Failure

I received my royalty statement
for my first novel, Breach Of Trust,
and sales aren’t where I want
them to be.

First I allowed myself to move
through the grieving process
denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance,
then I picked my strategy apart.

Did I still want this?
Yes, writing gives me pleasure
and my novels add value.
Were my original goals realistic?
Yes, other authors with similar novels achieved them.
Was the product good?
Yes, feedback from my few readers have been terrific.
They are surprised at how good the novel is.
Were my promotions working?
Yes, website traffic growth has been healthy.
So my issue is conversion.
My copy can be better
(removing the surprise about how good Breach Of Trust is)
and I could provide more sampling.

I’m not one to succeed immediately.
I have failures first.
The key is to bounce back.