How To Bounce Back From Failure

I received my royalty statement
for my first novel, Breach Of Trust,
and sales aren’t where I want
them to be.

First I allowed myself to move
through the grieving process
denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance,
then I picked my strategy apart.

Did I still want this?
Yes, writing gives me pleasure
and my novels add value.
Were my original goals realistic?
Yes, other authors with similar novels achieved them.
Was the product good?
Yes, feedback from my few readers have been terrific.
They are surprised at how good the novel is.
Were my promotions working?
Yes, website traffic growth has been healthy.
So my issue is conversion.
My copy can be better
(removing the surprise about how good Breach Of Trust is)
and I could provide more sampling.

I’m not one to succeed immediately.
I have failures first.
The key is to bounce back.