Selena Gomez And Letting The Critics Be Critics

We all have critics in our lives.
They pick apart
everything we do,
tell us things aren’t possible,
or, if they’re possible,
they’re not possible for us.

Criticizing is what they do.
That’s their role.
And I believe that role is valuable.
If I allow a critic’s comments
to stop me,
I know I didn’t really want
to achieve the goal
in the first place.

Selena Gomez

“But there was my mom
next to me,
stronger than ever,
and she said
the most important thing is
to always trust in myself.
If I am doing something
because I love it,
I should do it
because I love it
and I believe I can do it.

So she told me to keep going.
She told me and she taught me
to turn the other cheek.
And let the critics be critics.
And let us just trust ourselves.”

Let the critics do their jobs.
Concentrate on YOUR job,
making the world
a better place.

Renée Elise Goldsberry And Failure

Failure is a part
of every success.
If you want to succeed,
if you want to do spectacular things,
you have to embrace failure.

Renée Elise Goldsberry,
“Hamilton” actress
and Tony-Award winner,

“I love that I know that
I can be brilliant
I can also bomb.
I love that about myself.
That is very much who
Renée Elise Goldsberry is,
somebody who is human
and vulnerable
and that makes me more valuable.

I kicked failure’s ass.”

You, too, will kick failure’s ass.
Don’t fear failure.
Embrace it.

Being Open To Change

A writing buddy
told me yesterday
that she wasn’t open to change.
She didn’t like
to try anything new.
She preferred everything
to remain the same.

And she wonders
why she’s having challenges
growing her readership (sales).

She is asking readers (prospects)
to try her books (products)
for the first time
yet she doesn’t want
to try anything for the first time.

Don’t ask prospects
to do something
you wouldn’t do.

If you want them to change,
be open to change.

Product Extension Temptation

my self-published books
are available
only in eBook format.

I have one prospect
who is very vocal
about wanting my books
in audiobook format.
Every time I promote my books,
she asks about audiobook.

It’s tempting,
very tempting.

The issue is…
audiobook requires a huge financial investment.
I’d be wary of making
that size of financial investment
in the healthy eBook market
and the audiobook market
is much smaller.

And expanding into audiobook
also requires time and marketing.
If I invested that same
time and marketing
in the eBook format,
a format I know,
sales would increase also.

Before looking at a product extension,
evaluate what your sales would be
if you invested in your existing product line.

Getting Free Press

When I was younger,
I would write
for newspapers
on a freelance basis.
I was usually told
what stories to write
but I’d often pitch stories too.
I was PAID for those stories.

If a small business owner
had offered to write
those same stories for FREE,
I’m certain
the editor would have
chosen them to write those articles.

Sonja Rasula,
Founder of
Unique Inc,

“Editors often work off
editorial calendars,
which can often be found online
in a media kit.

Think of ideas
to send to editors, or pitch,
based on the calendar year.
For instance,
January is always about
starting fresh and getting healthy,
while July is about
vacation and eating outdoors.

Figure out ways
to pitch yourself
for every month of the year
and holidays like
Valentine’s Day
or Cyber Monday.

The more ideas
you can brainstorm,
the better.
The idea is often
the hardest part.”

If you’re pitching to
an editor of a small publication
(and these editors
are usually hungrier
for original content),
use the editorial calendars
for larger publications
as a base.

If you want free press,
pitch idea after idea.

Categorized as Marketing

Having A Presence At Pricey Events

One of the biggest conventions
for Romance Writers
is the RT Booklovers Convention.
Attendance alone
for published authors
is $489 per person.
That doesn’t include
any marketing activities.

But there are ways
to have a presence
at these pricey events
without investing a lot of money.

I contribute
to giveaways or marketing
hosted by attending writers
and booksellers.

Rob Hoehn,
Founder of
more ideas.

“We’ve also never taken on
venture capital
and so have to be creative
in our marketing
instead of just spending money
on large firms and contractors.

This means that we’ve done things
like gone and set-up free Wi-Fi
at events that we couldn’t afford
to sponsor
(all you had to do
was find the network
with our company URL).
Or we give free rides
around town
in our IdeaScale auto-rickshaw.”

If you’re creative,
you can have a presence
at pricey events
without investing a lot of money.
Figure out a way.

Categorized as Marketing

Why Business Builders Should Have A Personal Profile On Facebook

According to Digiday,
41% of publisher referral traffic
comes from Facebook.

That’s huge
and small businesses have an advantage
on Facebook
over large businesses.

We have the ability
to have
personal profiles on Facebook
that are closely linked to
our businesses’ pages.

We can ask
prospects and existing customers
to not only like our pages
but also friend our profiles.
Posts on our profiles
are seen by more people
than posts on our pages.

This increase will be
even more pronounced
with Facebook’s most recent changes.

According to Yahoo,
“Facebook previously updated
the News Feed
to put more of an emphasis
on photos, videos, status
updates and links
posted by friends and family.

But according to Backstrom,
many people are still afraid of
missing out on those posts,
so the company is once again
updating the News Feed
to more regularly surface
your connections’ posts.”

Make the most
of your personal profile
on Facebook.

Categorized as Marketing

Assuming Everyone Knows

Every single day,
at least one writing buddy of mine
posts a message like
“My book releases today!”
“I love my new cover!”
“I sent my story to the editor today!”

These writers never mention
which book is releasing
what the buy link is.
They don’t show the new cover.
They don’t tell us
what story they finished.

Usually this is
because they shared that information
in another post
earlier that day
or last week
or a month ago.

They don’t want to look spamtastic.
they expect us to remember.
They expect
their marketing information
to be forefront in our minds.

That’s damn arrogant
(and extremely frustrating).

I would prefer to be
viewed as being
than arrogant.
Spamtastic might be interpreted
as being proud of the product.

Assume your prospects or customers
are interesting, busy people.
Repeat the essential information.

Categorized as Marketing

Perfection And Baking Muffins

I baked banana muffins yesterday.
There are two ‘tricks’
to making great muffins.

1) Don’t stir the ingredients
too much.

It is tempting to stir
until the batter is ‘perfectly’ smooth.
That will ruin the muffins.
The best batter is slightly lumpy.


2) Take the muffins out
before they are fully baked.

If you wait
until the muffins are
‘perfectly’ baked,
they will be dry,
It is best to take the muffins out early
and allow them to finish baking
while cooling.

Yes, in order to bake
great muffins,
the baker has to
tolerate imperfection.

Business building
is very much the same way.

We have to tolerate imperfection
in order to launch
great products
and build
great businesses.

Don’t strive for perfect.
Strive for GREAT.
These are two
very different things.

Step Away From Your Business

A couple of months ago,
I deliberately went a week
without working
on my writing business.

I wanted to see
if my business could survive
without me.
Would my sales remain constant?

There WAS a decrease
but sales were healthy.
And I uncovered
the high maintenance parts
of my business.

Lindsey Peers,
owner of
The Craft Studio,

“In order to grow,
you have to step away.
You have to choose
what aspects of the business
need you,
and how you can make things run
if you can’t be there
for weeks at a time.”

Can your business run without you?