Contributing Vs Spamming

Facebook has been cracking down
on posts in groups.
If you post the same message
in multiple groups,
you’ll likely end up in Facebook ‘jail’,
prevented from posting in groups
for X number of days.

Because you’re spamming these groups.

Writers argue that they aren’t.
They’re sharing news
about their book releases.

But they aren’t addressing the specific group.
They aren’t referring to pinned posts
or commenting on what other people have shared.
They aren’t saying hi to the moderator
or starting conversations.
Often they don’t even respond to comments.

They’re sharing the same message over and over.
That’s spam
and it should be treated like spam.

It really isn’t that difficult
to move from spamming a group
to contributing to a group.
It can be as easy as
adding another line to the post,
a line that means something to the group.

Make that extra effort
to contribute.

Categorized as Marketing