Timing Of Product Releases

The days between
US Thanksgiving and December 25th
are terrible for eBook sales.
Most people are spending
their disposable income
on presents for others
and eBooks are difficult to wrap.

Knowing this,
my last eBook release of the year
happened in early November.
I promoted the pre-orders heavily
for two months
before my release date.
This release sold well.

One of my buddies,
in contrast,
sells mostly in print.
Print books make excellent presents.
She released her print book
shortly after Thanksgiving
and has been promoting her heart out.
Her release is also selling well.

WHEN you release a product
has an impact on your sales.
Put thought into it.
Know when your competitors are releasing,
what distractions your customers
might be experiencing.

Timing is an important part
of every product release.