Being Overlooked

A writer recently wrote an article
for a high profile blog,
the topic being my niche
in romance.
She mentioned every prominent
(and many not-so-prominent)
book in that niche
except for mine.

It was a deliberate oversight.
Whenever I’ve post something
in the past
to a new-to-me group,
she hops on the horn
and rants about
‘newcomers’ to the genre
(not realizing that,
although I took a break from that genre,
I have many more books published
in it
than she has.)

What did I do about the oversight?

I posted a comment on her article,
mentioning several more
lesser known stories in the niche.

I was her only commenter.

Clearly hoping for more comments,
she posted in some groups.
No replies.
I then posted a comment on those posts
about how it was a great article
(other than the oversight of my story,
it truthfully was).
This boasted the visibility of the posts.
Many more people then commented.

Two things happened
— I ensured my name
was linked to the article
and to the niche
and I showed her support
when no one else did.

I doubt I’ll be overlooked again.

You and your business
will only be overlooked
if you allow you/it to be.

Categorized as Marketing