The Power You Hold

One of my marketing buddies
truly believes in tolerance.
She shows mixed race
or mixed culture families
in most of her advertising campaigns.

It can be as subtle
as a photograph on a desk
or seating two children of different races
at a family table.

At first, it was shocking.
Now, many marketers do the same,
and very few people complain.
(there’s always someone complaining
about everything)
It is seem as ‘normal.’

You have this power also.
You’re marketing your product
AND making a difference
in society,
merely by the images you choose.

Are your models a mixture of body types?
Then you’re communicating
that all body types are acceptable.
Are your actors always wearing suits?
Then you’re communicating
that white collared jobs are ‘normal.’

You’re making a difference in the world.
Ensure it is the difference you want
to make.

Categorized as Marketing