The Appeal Of Star Wars

Kathleen Kennedy,
President of Lucasfilm,
in the November/December
The Costco Connection,

“I think that really great storytelling
emanates from a single point of view.
I think when George created Star Wars,
it was deeply personal to him
and he was drawing on things
that really mattered to him
at the time.
Then, over time, as he got older,
those ideas began to expand
in the touchstones
that he was trying to incorporate
in the storytelling.”

“When we look for
other filmmakers to come in,
I’m usually looking for somebody
who has got that strong personal connection
to Star Wars.

And they bring
their own personal point of view to it
and their own personal passion.
Because if you don’t have that,
then the decisions you’re making along the way
aren’t authentic.”

Hmmm… that sounds like traits
all business founders should look for
in both management and employees.

Hire for passion.