Cut Underperforming Employees

Leslie Grossman has a great post
on lessons we can learn
from the late George Steinbrenner.

One lesson is
“Be generous.
Be willing to pay good people
what they are worth
and more to recruit them
and keep them on your team.
And get the best people you can afford.
Treat the good ones well
and get rid of the others, quickly.
Women tend to keep underperforming people
too long.”

Some people think
that keeping underperforming people
is ‘kind.’
It isn’t.
People underperform
because they don’t like what they’re doing
they are suited to what they are doing.
These people could, when released,
find the jobs they are truly suited for.

Keeping underperforming people
is also a downer for your performing people.
Winners want to play with winners.
Enthused people want to work with enthused people.

Cut your underperforming employees.
It is kinder to everyone.

1 comment

  1. Shouldn’t
    “they are suited to what they are doing”
    “they are not suited to what they are doing”

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