Stated Needs Vs Real Needs

Seth Godin has a great post
on needs vs demand.

“Someone might know
that they need to be more concerned
about the world,
but what they demand
is another fake reality show.”

I usually refer to this
as stated needs vs real needs.
What people say they need
and what they really need
are two different things.

Because people want to be liked.
People want to say what is expected.
People want to fit in.
These are overriding needs.

I’ve attended plenty of focus groups,
on both sides
of the two-way mirror.
Participants are smart.
They figure out the company
paying them for the focus group
and then
they tend to moderate the comments
about that company.
They don’t want to be mean or impolite.

In the group,
they’ll say that GM cars are great
and everyone should drive them.
Then in the elevator,
they’ll tell me
that they wouldn’t be seen dead
in a GM car
and they’re pieces of crap.

Look to actions first,
if you can.
Actions rarely lie.
Weigh stated needs carefully.