Ending A Contract Early

My manager swapped one contractor
for another
a couple months into the contract.
She was surprised,
shocked that the first contractor was upset.

Of course, she was upset.
She’d just gotten fired.
She was then expected
to train her replacement.

Lucky for my manager,
the contractor was a professional.
She swallowed her outrage,
trained her replacement,
and left the company in a better situation
than when she had started.

If she had not been a professional,
it could have been a disaster.
This ‘fired’ employee had access
to all systems including customer files.

Unless the termination is prompted by the contractor
(i.e. she’s approached you,
advising that she’s no longer adding value
or not the right fit),
treat ending a contract relationship
as a firing.
Would you ask a fired employee
to work for two more weeks?
Would you let her have complete access?