Artificial Deadlines And The Editing Death Spiral

No product is ever perfect.
There is always something to be tweaked.

Maybe the blue on the package
could be more blue
or the copy one word shorter
or one more bug taken out of the program

That is why deadlines, even artificial,
are important.

Stick to the deadline
and get that product out.
If its successful and money flows in,
then consider “upgrades.”


  1. What do you do when there are too many deadlines and they are too tight anf not enough attention is being paid to doing things well and not wearing people down too much?

    That’s the problem I have now.

  2. Sympathies, Kleine.

    Sounds like a classic case for delegation,
    putting yourself firmly in the managing role.

    If that isn’t possible,
    try walking into your manager’s/v-p’s office
    with a list of your tasks,
    and ask him or her to prioritize for you.

    If he/she is the usual uncaring bastard,
    you could ask to hire or get a summer student or…

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