How To Appeal To Skilled Female Workers

When I talk with
my female business buddies,
they tell me
they never plan
to go back to the office
full time.

They’re skilled
and in demand.
They can demand
They want
to be able
to work from home
and work their own schedules.

Sallie Krawcheck,
Ellevest co-founder and CEO,
the office culture
“worked for white men,
not everyone,
and certainly not women
and under-represented groups.”

If you want to appeal
to skilled women,
offer flexibility.

It is the best perk
you can give many employees.

Shared Desks And Project Managers

Many companies are trying
hybrid work arrangements.

Employees work in the office,
for example,
for 2 days a week
and from home for 3 days a week.

This setup usually means
employees share desks.
They don’t have
permanent spots in the office.

For some roles,
this is a great setup.

Salespeople, for example,
are accustomed to being mobile.
to working from anywhere,
surrounded by a variety of people.
They often approach others.
Others don’t tend to approach them.

For some roles,
this is a terrible setup.

I was once forced into this arrangement
on a temporary project management assignment
in a large company.

Hours out of my day
were spent explaining to team members
where I was seated.

People I didn’t know
regularly overheard our conversations,
learning the details
of a ‘top secret’ product launch.
And YES, a competitor
launched a similar product
before we did.

It was a disaster
and, going forward,
I always asked future employers
if I would have a permanent desk.

Shared desks don’t work
for every role.
Consider offering
permanent desks
to those who need them.