Allow People To Change Their Minds

Recently, a high profile media person
spoke openly about climate change.

Instead of celebrating
this strong addition
to the cause,
many climate change fighters
criticized this person
for not speaking about it

With this kind of response,
why the f*ck
would anyone change their stance
on climate change?

They are now getting hate
from the climate change denier side
they certainly aren’t getting love
from the climate change fighting side.

They are alone.

Which is a position
many people fear.

Allow people on your team
to change their minds.

Especially when
that is for the better
of everyone.

Welcome Latecomers

I’ve been writing in a world
I developed for seven years.
I have over 40 stories
written in this world.

Yesterday, I received a message
from a reader
who discovered Book 1
in that world.

She was excited.
For her,
it was a brand new book.
And she had questions.

These questions
had all been answered
many years ago.
I can barely remember
that story.

But I re-read it
and I copied and pasted
the answers to her questions
and I welcomed her
to the world,
to my array of products.

Doing this is worth my time.
If I treat this latecomer well,
she will buy all 40 plus books
and become a reader for life.

If you’re fortunate
and your products/services
have staying power,
you WILL have latecomers
to those products/services.

Ensure you plan for this
to happen.
Value these new customers.
Welcome them
to YOUR world.