Eat The Rich

I’ve noticed an increasing level
of anger
against the wealthy.
This disturbs me.

And I predict the anger will only
become greater.

The wealthy will be buffered
from many
of the upcoming climate change disasters.
There is greater disparity
in the US
between the incomes of
the average person
and the rich.
There will be desperation
and fear
amongst the general public
and that often leads
to revolutions.

Wealthy people
usually don’t fare well
in revolutions.

In the past,
being a nice rich person,
someone generous with her wealth
hasn’t been enough
to save that person
from harm.
All the wealthy
are seen and treated
very similarly.

What HAS saved wealthy people
in the past
is being secretly wealthy.
They live in regular homes
in regular neighborhoods
and don’t splash their cash around.
They don’t name businesses or buildings
after themselves.
They don’t broadcast their wealth.

They keep this low profile from day one
of wealth building.

The good news is
that is where many business builders are
right now – at day one.

Consider building your business
and your wealth
so your ownership of it
isn’t glaringly obvious.

And maybe don’t post
about your luxury space vacations
on social media,
especially when other people’s homes
are burning down
and/or being flooded across your home country.